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「省立医院妇科」Doubt: Can I go to Thailand to do test tubes now? What conditions must be met?

发布于2021-03-18 11:24:35



In 2020, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia, many IVF families' IVF assistance programs in Thailand have to be suspended. In 2021, the epidemic in Thailand will be well controlled, and many people's plans to have children in Thailand are on the agenda again. So the question is: can I go to Thailand to do test tubes now? What conditions must be met? Do I need to be quarantined when I go to Thailand? How many nucleic acids do I need to do? What conditions need to be met? Be specific and listen to your analysis of overseas test tube service for more than 15 years!

Doubt: Can I go to Thailand to do test tubes now? What conditions must be met?

In fact, it was possible to go to Thailand for IVF as early as the end of 2020, but due to safety considerations, there were strict restrictions on the number of flights and the number of people going abroad. Regarding the conditions, the requirements after the epidemic are relatively stricter.

Not only a marriage certificate and a passport are required, but also a medical visa is required. The materials required for a medical visa are as follows:

——Copies of passports of both spouses

——Copy of ticket (designated flight)

——Insurance required by airlines

——Medical certificate and nucleic acid inspection report that passed the nucleic acid inspection (usually valid within 72 hours)

—— Application confirmation (submitted by the hospital and approved by the Ministry of Health)

——Proof of financial resources (**** or copy of asset certificate)

——Approval application submitted by the hospital

In addition, a certificate of entry to Thailand from the consulate is required.

Regarding isolation issues

For safety reasons, it is still necessary to go to Thailand for IVF. However, one thing is better. Most of the test tube hospitals in Thailand support patients to be isolated and promoted. Originally男性结扎手术, the promotion was about 8-12 days. Now the promotion and the isolation for 14 days, which means that everyone's promotion is over, and the isolation is almost over. , It didn't waste everyone's time at all.

Everyone was living in the hospital during the quarantine period. Every day, an interpreter and nurse would come and take everyone to get the injections, which saved the time on the road.

The 14-day quarantine period has come. After the ovulation promotion and sperm retrieval are over, everyone will wait for sac breeding, screening and transplantation in Thailand. There are five to six days for sac culturing. Every day the translation will send you the report of sac culturing. And tell you the truth about the embryonic development, also during the screening. After the screening report is released, you will know that there are several healthy male embryos and several healthy female embryos. It is legal to choose the gender in Thailand, and the next step is to transplant.

After the transplant is successful, you can set off to return to your country, and you must be quarantined for 14 days.

During IVF, when should hysteroscopy be done?

Generally speaking, hysteroscopy is also a relatively routine examination item. Normally, when women undergoing general anesthesia and painless egg retrieval, they will perform hysteroscopy simultaneously, that is, observe the women's intrauterine environment through fiber light source endoscopes to understand whether the endometrium is intact, whether there are lesions or abnormalities The situation, etc., so that the Thai test tube doctor can evaluate and diagnose the uterine condition and prepare for the next blastocyst transplantation.

Extension省立医院妇科: What is the reason for the poor receptivity of the endometrium in general?

1. Protruding lesions in the uterine cavity, such as polyps, scar tissue or submucosal fibroma.

2. The endometrium is underdeveloped. When the egg is taken out, its thickness is less than 8mm.

3. ImmunityObstacles result in intima immunohaleta (NK) and T cells being activated.

The above is related to "doubts: Can I go to Thailand to do test tubes? What are the conditions?" Overseas has more than 13 years of test tube service experience, cooperate with Thai Test Management Hospital, such as Thailand NIC Hospital, Jetening Hospital, Global Hospital, Bnh Hospital, etc., helping 6000+ or more family pregnancy, we look forward to serving you! Di

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