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泰国哪个医院做试管婴儿-Doubt: If the woman can I test it?

发布于2021-03-18 11:24:45



At present, when it comes to HIV, everyone is still worried. It is not only quite troublesome to have children for patients infected with AIDS, but also more difficult. Many HIV-infected patients are afraid to try pregnancy in their daily lives. Because of fear of passing the disease to offspring. Fortunately, it is currently possible to assist in pregnancy with the help of assisted reproduction. Can the woman get a test tube if she is infected with HIV? The specific situation and listen to overseas analysis for you!

About the situation of HIV infection to be able to give birth to children:

Overseas pointed out that generally speaking, there are three situations in which AIDS wants to have a child:

The first is that the man has AIDS.

The second situation is that only the woman is an AIDS patient案例.

The third situation is that both parties have AIDS. Regardless of whether the man or the woman suffers from AIDS, they need to treat the HIV viral load until it is undetectable, and then consider IVF.

Can the woman test tube if HIV?

Generally speaking, for such situations, the doctor does not recommend the woman to perform IVF. because:

There are three main ways of HIV transmission, namely: blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission and sexual transmission. If a woman is infected with HIV, she will pass HIV to her offspring even if she undergoes IVF. Because you can't wash the sperm like the man does, and the woman washes the eggs, which obviously doesn't work.

Therefore, if a woman is infected with HIV, she cannot be an IVF. The above also mentioned that HIV will be passed on from mother to child, and doctors will be exposed to blood during surgery. Doctors who handle improperly are also very susceptible to infection.

Patients infected with HIV must do the following before the test tube:

1. Both men and women must do all pre-test tube physical examinations and provide a complete report.

240岁以上试管婴儿成功率是多少. A treatment certificate provided by the man’s infectious disease specialist must be provided, stating his current physical condition, condition, virus level and CD4 level. The doctor will synthesize all reports to assess whether he can assist in pregnancy through test tube technology.

How about getting a test tube for the man infected with HIV? Is it expensive?

Overseas pointed out that, generally speaking, the cost of a man's HIV carrying to Thailand for test tubes is higher than that of a normal test tube family. Because it is necessary to wash the essence first, the cost of the test tube washing in Thailand is actually not particularly high, about 8,000-10,000 yuan. Then select high-quality sperm to combine with the woman's egg, so as to achieve the goal of good pregnancy and eugenics. The total cost of test tubes in Thailand is around 180,000 to 190,000, not as much as 200,000. (For reference only泰国哪个医院做试管婴儿, the actual receipt shall prevail)

Test tube families do not need to worry about sperm washing. Because lavage is actually mature in Thailand's IVF technology, and its application is more common. In Thailand, IVF lavage can achieve an ideal level of cleanliness and ensure the baby's health problems after birth.

Extension: Thailand test tube embryo transfer, the reason for the successful implantation?

Overseas pointed out that the successful implantation in Thailand cannot be separated from three reasons. One is that the embryo has good development potential, and the other is that the patient's endometrium has reached a good state of transplantation and has good receptivity. The third is the synchronized development and growth of the embryo and the endometrium.

The above is about "doubt: if the woman hiv Can test tubes? "The detailed introduction, I hope to provide you with some help and reference for IVF. D

Has anyone ever gone to Thailand for IVF? What are the requirements for being single?

The success rate of test tubes in Thailand is similar to that in China?
