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发布于2021-01-25 13:00:44



Welcome to Bangkok IVF CenterS

欢迎来到曼谷 IVF 中心

Established in early 2003 at the BNH International hospital in Silom, Bangkok by a Group of Bangkok Infertility specialists and scientists with over a decade of experience in infertility treatments , Bangkok IVF center has been a clinic of choice for those who seeking a solution for Infertility treatments or PGD. Keeping up with the progress of fertility management in other part of the world and in co-operation with other infertile centers BIC can assure that even you are not able to follow the whole treatment program with Bangkok IVF center we can provide you with medical records and you just simply continue the rest of your treatment program at your hometown hospital.泰国曼谷BIC


Bangkok IVF Center creates families by leading the field of Advanced Reproductive Technologies, in-vitro fertilization, Cryopreservation做试管都双胞胎吗, Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Assisted hatching and many more. Our well equipped lab and our team of skillful and dedicated embryologists makes us one of the best in the field.


Bangkok IVF Center’s New Flagship clinic in Bangkok Lat Phrao will be in the Forefront of Cutting edge Fertility treatment in South east Asia With it’s 14,000 Sq ft state of the art clinic Manned by the dedicated team of professionals headed by Dr. Viwat Chinpilas, Our new center will be an oasis of care for those who seek various fertility programs for which Bangkok IVF is always known for.曼谷试管婴儿中心的旗舰诊所位于曼谷Lat Phrao区,由Dr. Viwat Chipilas领导,占地1400平方尺,.它的技术设备处于东南亚同领域的最前端.。

Our team of well trained physicians, and medical personnel are ready to serve patients from all parts of the world. With our customer care team with the uncanny skill of exceeding expectations, you can be rest assured that you will receive the utmost care.Our Lab is well equipped, not only using the most advance equipment and technology, but also having a team of skillful and dedicated embryologists.


Since our inception in 2003, we have performed numerous cycles of IVF/ICSI/PGS. With the help of latest cutting edge Assisted reproductive technologies, and manned by Clinicians with years of hands own experience in exceeding customer satisfaction, we were able to outperform our own success rate every year.从2003年开始,我们一直在为客户进行IVF/ICSI以及PGS方案.通过最前沿领域技术以及医生的丰富经验与阅历,我们的成功率在逐年稳步上升。
 In reality, there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration to analyze the success or the failure of any IVF treatment. Possible reasons why a particular cycle treatment may fail include:• Patient’s age
• Sperm and egg quality
• Failure to collect eggs
• Failure of implantation of the embryos
On an average, there is a 20% to 30% success rate associated with IVF.In general women above 40 find it a little more difficult to conceive using IVF as the ovulation rate as well as quality of eggs decreases with age. Those who have had a normal delivery before or successful IVF births earlier have a greater chance of getting pregnant the second time over.

The IVF centre where the treatment is done also influences the success rate. Factors like size of the clinic, technical expertise of the team, type of equipments used, protocols for ovary stimulation, and transferring of embryos play an important role in inferring the overall success rate. At Bangkok IVF center we have an above average success rate since our inception in 2003. You may check our Statistics here。

 试管婴儿的成功率受到以下因素制约,病人必须进行注意和分析素,也应该理解试管婴儿可能因为以下原因而不成功﹕• 病人的年龄
• 精子和卵子的质量
• 不能取出卵子
• 胚胎不着床 通常来说成功率对于超过40岁的女性普遍不高,因为卵子的质量随着年龄的增长会呈现快速下降趋势,之前有过自然生育或者IVF生育经验的女性的机会更高一些。
地址:Bangkok IVF Center, 7th Floor, Zone A, BNH Hospital, 9/1 Convent Road, Silom, Bangkok 10500, Thailand.电话:0755-888 59866邮箱:tgshiguan@gmail.com

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